Meet Jaya
Jaya is 13 yrs old and loves sports of all kinds! He is most passionate about wheelchair basketball and WCMX. He loves trying anything new, too! His favorite event is wheelchair sports camp in the summer. He gets to participate in many, many sports, all adapted for wheelchair users. He’s done basketball, rugby, tennis, hand cycling, golf, bocce ball, swimming, scuba diving, kayaking, zip lining, rock-wall climbing and more!
Meet Alissa
It all started in 2005, when I was born. God created me! He chose me to have (what I call) the greatest super power EVER!!! Sacral agenesis. Sure, some will feel story for me, but I feel sorry for them! They don’t experience the amazing things that happen in my life, from the amazing journey to the wonderful people I’ve met along the way! If I never had been born with this power, I would not have these amazing people, like my coach for basketball and my other friend who lives far, far away that has this amazing super power also. She lives all the way in West Virginia! She drove many hours just to see me! Can you believe that?! Isn’t that an amazing friend?!
Read more from Alissa here.
Meet Hannah
Hannah is 9 and is a sports fanatic. This is her fourth year of sports activity. She plays handball, basketball, and football. She did track and field, but it was just too far to drive to get to practices. She’s hoping to play wheelchair basketball for the University of Alabama women’s wheelchair basketball team someday!
Meet Lilly
Lilly is 5, and she has found her skill in an unusual activity, using a blowgun. She consistently hits the target (with supervision of course), and her aim is really impressive because the blowgun is a long tube that is longer than she is tall.
Meet Stephanie
I’m Stephanie, a happy, bubbly 15-year-old girl, but the first 15 years of my life have been a full-on rollercoaster, and I want to share some of it with you.
I was born in the UK down south. The doctors then diagnosed me with the condition sacral agenesis. They told my mum and dad that when I get older I would walk in my own time and my own way. To me, I was just learning like everyone else. I didn’t know any different.
Read more from Stephanie here.