There is no more exciting or more stressful experience than giving birth. Parents naturally have concerns for their newborn child’s health. Sometimes there is evidence of a condition at birth that was not known during pregnancy. Diagnosis of SA/CRS at birth occurs through a medical evaluation. Depending on the extent of physical difference, the external characteristics may be readily noticed or they may be discovered through additional testing. Here you can find a list of characteristics that may be noted at birth and a collection of stories from families who have experienced diagnosis of their newborn.
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Characteristics possibly noted at birth:
-narrowing of the hips
-sacral dimples
-fusion of ankles or ankles and knees in a bent or straight position
-clubfoot, rocker bottom feet
-small legs with reduced muscle mass
-reduced movement of the lower iimbs
-”buddha position” (legs bent and splayed outward, often with webbing between thighs and calf)
-anal atresia
-small birth weight
-shortened spine
Further evaluation of internal structures may reveal:
-single kidney or horseshoe kidney
-absent vertebra in lower back
-absence of spinal cord in lower back
-other differences with structures of the heart, ears
-other conditions or syndromes that include absence of the sacrum or that occur in addition to absence of the sacrum.