Here you will find a wide range of resources and information for a variety of professionals who may have contact with individuals who have SA/CRS. Whether you are a teacher, a doctor, a physical therapist, a parent, a teen, a coach, or someone else, this information should provide you with guidance and support in many areas. For a brochure about SA/CRS, see iSACRA flyer.
Parent Information includes everything from tips for hospital visits to resources for talking to your child about bullying.
Information for Doctors includes tips for delivering the diagnosis of SA/CRS to understanding unique aspects of treatment.
Information for Physical Therapists includes recommendations for wheelchair fitting and suggestions for classroom modifications
The Children and Teens Section includes a children’s book about growing up with SA/CRS and a “10 good things” game.
The Section for Coaches includes information about inclusion of students with disabilities in athletic activities and an explanation about the difference among the Olympics, Paralympics, and Special Olympics.
Information for Teachers includes suggestions for modeling positive language about disability, instructional strategies, and perspectives on “special awards.”
This pages also includes resources for financial support, awesome innovations, and information about home modifications.