The topic of wheelchairs may be scary for some. These links provide you with an overview of perspectives on the use of wheelchairs. Some of these perspectives might surprise you! Please visit Walking: Possibilities and Perspectives.
Wheelchair seating and fitting can be a particular challenge for some individuals with SA/CRS because of the fixation of joints, webbing between calf and upper thigh, and small size. See Recommendations for Wheelchair Fitting for Children and Adults.
Other relevant links include:
Comparing Power and Manual Wheelchair Options
Information on Wheelchair Selection
Tips for Ordering a Wheelchair
Wheelchair Skill Development
There are several wheelchair development skills listings and tests available online, including the one at this link
The following list has been developed that is expected to be suitable for most individuals with SA/CRS.
Skills for Entry and Exit to a Wheelchair
Basic transfers:
- Transfers to and from chair or bed to wheelchair independently
- Transfers from chair to floor independently
- Transfers from floor to chair independently
- Transfers from wheelchair to car or van seat and back
Toileting transfers
- If applicable, transfers to toilet seat and back to chair
- If applicable, manages catheterization and associated clothing changes/adjustments from wheelchair
Driver transfers
- While seated in car, removes chair from car and assembles parts of chair to transfer into chair
- Transfers from wheelchair to car seat and disassembles wheelchair, loading it into car
- Folds wheelchair (rigid type with folding back and removable wheels) and puts wheelchair into car
- Pulls wheelchair (not folded) into van through side door from seated position on floor of van
- Exits wheelchair to scoot up/down series of steps, pulling wheelchair along going up or down then transfers back into chair
Transfers for those who stand or walk
- If walking, transfers to and from wheelchair and seated to standing/walking position
- While standing, disassembles chair and places it in vehicle side or trunk
- While standing, removes chair from car and assembles it and transfers into chair
Skills for Maneuvering a Wheelchair
- Basic movements (approximate age, 2-5 years)
Pushes forward on flat surface independently - Pushes backward on flat surface
- Turns in place right and left
- Turns right or left while moving forward
- Turns right or left while moving backward
- Controls increased speed for forward and backward
- Moves chair forward and backwards for increased distance (around school building/around block)
- Positions chair sideways near object/table/counter/bed, etc
- Guides chair through hallway, around turns and obstacles
- Pushes chair over slight inclines
- Controls chair speed on downward inclines
- Adjusts speed for changes in gentle slope up and down
- Stops chair with control on gentle downward slopes
- Controls sudden stop
Intermediate skills (approximate age 5-10)
- Controls sudden turn, avoids moving objects
- Pushes over door threshold
- Pushes over gap/road rut
- Enters and exits doorway in wheelchair, using push through or pull through doors
- Angles chair for pushing up steep inclines zig zag
- Angles chair for control on steep decline zig zag
- Rolls across side slope
- While moving forward, guides chair by shift of weight without touching wheels with hands
Wheelie skills (approximate age 6-12 yrs)
- Raises front wheels balancing a wheelie in place (all wheelie skills only possible with manual chair)
- Raises front wheels balancing a wheelie while moving forward on flat surfaces
- Raises front wheels balancing a wheelie while spinning and turning
- Raises front wheels balancing a wheelie while moving forward over soft or rough surface
- Raises front wheels balancing a wheelie while moving forward on descending slope
- Raises front wheels balancing a wheelie for bumping down a curb
- Raises front wheels balancing a wheelie with forward speed to bump up a curb/or places front wheels on curb and pushes forward to ascend curb/step (curb height up to 2 or about 5 cm inches)
Ball skills (approximate age, 5-12 yrs)
- Bounces ball from wheelchair
- Bounces ball from wheelchair while moving forward, controls speed and movement forward of ball
- Raises ball from floor with forward push and pressure of ball against push rim
- Throws ball while moving
- Catches ball while moving forward
- Catches ball while moving backward
Advanced skills (approximate age, 10-18 yrs)
- “Walks” wheelchair side to side by shifting weight and lifting opposite wheel
- Descends high curb (ascends high curb may be difficult for most)
- Ascends escalator in wheelchair
- Descends escalator in wheelchair (riding backwards)
- Ascends and descends wide stairs in wheelchair
Skills for Activity from Wheelchair
- Shifts body weight in chair for release of pressure on buttocks
- Reaches high objects, maximizing chair surface for platform/balance
- Reaches down to pick up object from lower surface or floor forward and side to side
- Carries objects in lap or otherwise in chair while pushing
- Carries object with one hand while maintaining push control with other hand
- Switches object hand to hand to control angle of forward movement of chair while carrying object
- Propels rolling suitcase, racing wheelchair, or baby stroller while pushing forward
- Carries large or heavy object while pushing forward (in backpack or front of chair or under chair)
- Walks dog on leash from wheelchair
- Pushes shopping cart while using wheelchair
Elite Wheelchair User Skills
- WCMX skills involve using the wheelchair as a skateboard. Steep ramps, flips, stair rail ‘slides’ push the limits in skate park facilities and competitions
- Here iSACRA’s member Jason Brass is one of the athletes featured in this article about the sport
- Wheelchair racing: using specialized racing chair with three wheels and forward pressure and release against the push rim rather than a pushing stroke. iSACRA president Jessica Rogers is a wheelchair racer.
- Wheelchair tennis Several iSACRA members enjoy tennis. Here’s Lauren Hopps.
- Wheelchair basketball Several iSACRA members are elite basketball players. Here’s Elissa Robinson.
- Wheelchair fencing Any iSACRA fencers out there?
- Wheelchair dancing Some iSACRA members participate in this sport. Here’s Joanne Fluke.