I am now 42 years old. I was born with both sacral agenesis and spina bifida. To improve my seating and independent mobility, my legs were disarticulated (the lower portion of the leg removed) when I was about 4 years old. My primary means of mobility is use of a wheelchair. Other than my physical differences, my life before graduating from high school and my transition into adulthood were not really different from what anyone else might experience. I have had my share of ups and downs, just like anyone else.
After graduating from my high school class, I went straight into college. I attended a private college and took 15 credit hours per semester. My major was American Sign Language and deaf culture, with a minor in psychology. I was very intrigued with learning sign language and hoped to pursue working in the deaf community in my career.
I attended college for three years, but as sometimes happens to people, I had some medical issues that forced me to take a break. I had severe migraines, unrelated to sacral agenesis. It seemed life was taking me in a new direction.
Sure enough, during my time off, I became engaged. I planned my wedding, got married, and bought my first home. Unfortunately, the marriage broke up and shortly afterwards I packed up and moved to North Carolina. I lived and worked there for almost 7 years. I also returned to college and studied medical office administration.
Eventually, I left North Carolina and relocated to Long Island, New York. I lived in New York for 6 years. There, I was a stay at home step-mom to 3 amazing kids. I also enjoyed participating in the formation of iSACRA and serving as vice president.
I’ve led an amazing life of adventures and new experiences. Throughout my lifetime, I have enjoyed connecting with people, both those who have SA/CRS and those who do not. I look forward to what the future holds.