Jadyn was diagnosed with sacral agenesis/caudal regression syndrome on the day she was born. We were told by her teary eyed pediatrician that she may never sit, crawl or walk. He was incorrect about all of those predictions!
Jadyn was the first baby he had ever seen with CRS. He was examining her after birth and noticed her spine stopped high. He looked a lot of information and called other pediatricians to find answers. A few months after she was born she was admitted to the hospital for constipation. We didn’t know her bowels and bladder were affected until she was admitted and x-rays were done.
She’s now 9 years old and she has had some surgeries to address bowel and bladder control, a mitrofanoff and mace procedure. She manages these issues pretty independently now.
Jadyn started walking when she was 5, and now walks and runs all over the place. Her legs are skinny and she’s not as fast as the other girls her age, but she’s strong. She’s in regular classes at school and enjoys life. Her favorite activities are playing softball and spending time with her friends and her brothers. She has four brothers, so she stays very active! Her pediatrician from when she was born still keeps a picture of her in his office.