When I went in for a prenatal ultrasound, they found out that my daughter, Kay, had clubbed feet. The
technician said it was still early enough to terminate the pregnancy. I was shocked! For her feet?
Because they weren’t perfect?
I told them that terminating the pregnancy wasn’t an option. After she was born they diagnosed her
with sacral agenesis and gave me a very dark outlook on the whole thing. They said she would never
walk/stand/or even sit unassisted. Clearly, they didn’t know much about the variety of ways this
condition can impact individuals and they didn’t realize what a fighter my little one would be.
Kay is now 10 years old. She has had multiple surgeries. Most importantly she is doing all the things that
doctors said she wouldn’t be able to do. She walks, runs, climbs and participates socially and
academically right along with everyone else her age. She has a winning personality and a great smile.
Some things she just does a little differently.
We owe a lot of her success to the amazing doctors she had early on. They gave her the care she
needed. Also, this group, iSACRA, helped so much because it allowed us to meet people and to know
that we aren’t alone.