To find out what was going on, we then made another appointment, and this is when everything changed. Suddenly, this pregnancy became a high-risk pregnancy. At the time of diagnosis, we actually weren’t given much information. The physicians we dealt with indicated it was so rare that they didn’t know what the outcome would be for our baby, Journey. They were unable to answer any questions that we had, which was frustrating.
My thoughts at the time centered around what are we going to do. I didn’t really know what to think other than to trust in God and know that He doesn’t make mistakes. After several diagnostic tests, we discovered that her brain, heart, and lungs were perfect.
That just confirmed my decision to keep her. Now that time has passed, we are forever grateful to have her as part of the family. I wouldn’t change my decision for anything in the world. She was heaven sent. I can’t say we received many predictions about the outcome before she was born. However, as time progresses, we learn more and more.
I still wish I knew the cause of her condition, which remains unknown, because maybe I would have done things differently during my pregnancy, but obviously, she is a child that God created. We continue to believe that He didn’t make a mistake with our daughter. We can pray and ask for miracles, which we did while she was in utero, such as straightening her limbs and giving her a full set of ribs. That did not happen, but God knew we would still feel so blessed by having her as our daughter.