Toddler size wheelchairs
http://zipzac.com/ toddler chair, low to floor
Do It Yourself bumbo wheelchair http://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Bumbo-Wheelchair-for-Kids/
smallest manual toddler size wheelchair http://www.sunrisemedical.com/manual-wheelchairs/zippie/rigid-wheelchairs/kidz (seat width
Pediatric and adult ultra-light wheelchairs
Sunrise medical is a large wheelchair company which acquired the Quickie company years ago and continues to offer the popular Quickie and Zippie manual wheelchairs as well as power chairs. Sunrise Medical manufactures products in our own facilities in the United States, Mexico, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain and China.
lightweight wheelchair for older active kids http://www.sunrisemedical.com/manual-wheelchairs/zippie/rigid-wheelchairs/zone
ultra-lightweight rigid adult chairs http://www.sunrisemedical.com/manual-wheelchairs/quickie/rigid-wheelchairs
Tilite Permobile Tilite was the leading ultra-light manual wheelchair company for many years, a favorite among the active everyday wheelchair user. It was bought out by Permobile. Permobile sells in Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Uruguay, USA, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland,Spain, Turkey, UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UAE, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore. Permobile also carries power chairs.
Tilite Twist (other models also available): pediatric manual wheelchair https://permobilus.com/products/manual-wheelchairs-by-tilite/pediatric-manual-wheelchairs-by-tilite/mono-tube-pediatric-manual-wheelchairs-by-tilite/
Tilite manual chairs for teens/adults ZR, ZRA, and AERO z https://permobilus.com/products/manual-wheelchairs-by-tilite/rigid/mono-tube/
Per4max is a sports wheelchair company that is also known for making an awesome everyday chair lineup. As a small company, Per4Max provides great customer service, including an online Maintenance Mondays video tutorials. See the chair before it’s built with a computer aided design.
Performax everyday chairs: http://per4max.com/everyday-chairs/
Invacare handles Kuschal brand and Top End chairs, pediatric, adult and also power chairs. Invacare sells in over 120 countries, from Togo to Serbia to Singapore and the US. http://www.invacare.com/cgi-bin/imhqprd/inv_catalog/prod_cat.jsp?catOID=-536885218
Colours is an international ultralight wheelchair company known for its radical design frame colors and fabrics. Experiences with the chairs varies. Sells in Netherlands, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Israel, Japan, UK, New Zealand, Taiwan, South America (Colombia), USA.
Colours pediatric wheelchair little dipper http://colourswheelchair.com/little-dipper/
Colours listing of pediatric and adult size manual ultra-light wheelchairs http://colourswheelchair.com/
Offcarr: Based in Italy. Sells in a variety of countries in Europe, most of the Middle East, some Far East countries and some South American countries. Pedidatric and adults models appear to be sleek and ultra-light models are available. http://www.offcarr.com/en/carrozzina-superleggera-a-telaio-fisso-in-titanio-ad-asse-fisso-e-variabile-telaio-rigido-carrozzina-design. Website offers translation into most languages.
Kimobility is a newer wheelchair company with an option for a rigid frame manual chair a(rogue) http://www.kimobility.com/Product.action?productName=Rogue and several pediatric chair options (little wave) http://www.kimobility.com/Product.action?productName=Little+Wave+Clik available. User experience is that customer service and quality of chairs varies. Sells in most countries, including Kuwait, Northern Ireland, Brazil, Romania, Bahamas, USA, etc.
and for the future?…https://www.dezeen.com/2016/05/18/benjamin-hubert-layer-3d-printed-wheelchair-launch-clerkenwell-design-week/
Photo attribution: http://www.sunrisemedical.com/manual-wheelchairs/zippie/rigid-wheelchairs/kidz